This April, things turned around for us on the road. Where March had us up against a wall facing several challenges, last...
Life in the Shoulder: 3-Months Cycling in a Strange Land
Our time in South America is at an end. In one-week, we'll be heading to California to start the long ride north and then...
Reflections On A Day In Uruguay
“Why does every foreigner we meet on the road refuse to smile in pictures?” I wonder aloud. Ski is preoccupied with his own...
One Second A Day: 31 Seconds to March
I really wanted a 30 Seconds to Mars pun to play here... but I understand it's being forced. Hopefully, you won't feel too...
Adventures in Paraguay
Who the hell travels to Paraguay?
Even weird-o cycle tourists like us seem to skip this country because… well what is there...
Taking Bikes on Buses in Argentina
Recently, we needed to incorporate two long bus rides into our trip plan so we could be sure to hit Iguazu Falls, a...
One Second A Day: February in a Flash
February marked the start of our journey across the Americas and our life on the road for the next year. We scoped out snow...
As One Road Ends... (Adapting To The Road)
A great turning point occurred for our cycling adventure yesterday. After battling the pampas, a brutal headwind, and poor...
Over The Andes: Climbing Paso Pehuenche From Chile to Argentina
I spent hours pouring over maps and reading other cyclists accounts of crossing the Andes mountain range leading up to our...
11 Things To Know About Traveling in Chile
We kicked off our 9-month cycle tour in Puerto Montt, Chile in February 2019. While we did a ton of research before heading...